Ifioque Bernard Mid-twenties, of Ibibio ethnicity.
A social media influencer. Music lover, lyricist, part-time image processor, and pianist.
Once well fed, can be a writer.
Loves travel, an inquisitive mind, and is always ready for something weird
If you've finally made it out of daddy's house, congratulations. If you still live with mum or dad, this post is for you.
First off, understand this. There's no irresponsibility - even socially - earned by living with one's parents. It's just an ideology, that adult children leave their parents and be independent.
This is a brilliant ideology, but it exists with its downsides.
Here are 5 reasons you shouldn't rush out of your parents' house to prove any unnecessary point:
You're being fed, housed, protected and generally being cared for by your loving parents. You don't pay for a tenth of the things you'll be paying for when you move out. Isn't this the right time to save a whole lot for yourself? Get a job, a skill - anything legitimate that fetches money - and see how much you will save after a few months.
You see these big boys in Nigeria today, most of them were able to shoot that far with help - plenty help - from their parents. You may say they aren't real men, but who told you a real man can't be helped, least of all by their own parents? hello?
This is the prime of your life; invest in yourself - get a degree, a job, or a skill - while mum and dad take care of the other parts. You'll be grateful tomorrow.
This is clear. They freaking bore you. In India, it is commonplace to find "children" living with their parents to the age of 40 or thereabout - yes, I know this: I have Indian friends. Plenty guys and ladies whose parents are executives or wealthy citizens in this country still live with their parents and that doesn't make them any lesser than you, Mr / Ms Independent.
Have you tried feeding yourself in mum's house for an entire week on your meager income? Do you have an idea how much it would cost if you were paying rent for the space you have in daddy's place? Have you tried buying diesel or petrol for a generator set or a vehicle for maybe 5 days, or paying for the repair of a refrigerator? These things seem easy (and cheap) from a distance - because we're not the ones paying - but ask your parents how much they amount to by the year's end.
Think of the times when your cousins came for holidays, the times when church members came for visitation, the times when you even brought your friends who brought their own friends. Just remember: did any of these sets of visitors leave without a few notes folded into their palms, at least for the their fare? I don't think so.
When you're on your own, the general perception is that you're OK in every level of description. You'll have things to handle, and situations to manage, most of which will have distant origin. Now, can you manage to be that generous when you finally live alone? You know your friends, siblings and other unspecified classifications of people shall be around you regularly - Think...
Now, before making up your mind to move out, consider these:
1. Do you have a job?
2. Can you pay rent?
3. Can you feed yourself - and that guy / girl? (don't dare look at me like that... You know what I'm talking about).
4. Can you defend yourself? ( You lose your parents' covering when you move out)
5. Do you know the exchange rate?
6. Can you endure irritating neighbors, an over-fed, under-sexed landlord, diabolically -infested residences, power failure for months, and can you pray for entire nights, something you weren't doing because your parents were taking it in your stead?
Now, make up your mind.
Happy moving out.